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Going Solo & BOLD!
Tina Lynn Huggins, started my journey into divorce while working for law enforcement, and teaching self-defense at a local battered women’s shelter.
Men I love have been in abusive relationships. They have been shot at, driven over, poisoned, their pets mistreated or killed, forced into bankruptcy, lied to, hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen from them, and that is the short list.
That’s not to mention the broken hand, separated ribs, and dislocated leg I endured in the fights in my marriage.
No one deserves this kind of life, and NO ONE, should go through this alone!
My clients are going through one of, if not the worst time in their lives! They are experiencing hurt, anger, frustration, anguish and they are up against having to make decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives!
This is not a time to make decisions on their own!
My clients want to feel free, and stop walking on eggshells. They want to sleep well, laugh, and feel free to come and go as they want.
I can make that happen!
Tina Lynn Huggins
Your Divorce Coach Specialist
Email - coachtinalynn@gmail.com
Website - DivorceCoachSpecialist.com