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Become the Confident Parent your kids Crave You to Be + Learn Parenting Strategies for Epic Transformation in your toddler, child or teens behavior + Parenting Resources from infants to teens + Resources for YOU the parent to become the confident leader you are meant to be + Turn behavior problems into No-Problem + Strengthen your relationship with your kids + Improve the Trust and Respect between Parent and Child!
Hey Parents! Meet Jaci Finneman, Parent Strategist and Coach. And, after 30 years and over 50,000 hours of experience working with children and families; ranging from the severe behaviors that required out-of-home placement to the ”she just doesn’t listen to me” behaviors - there IS a solution. Jaci supports parents in shifting their mindset around parenting and teaches behavioral strategies so that you can feel empowered as a parent again and reclaim your family’s peace!
Hugs and High Fives Parents! You Got This! No-Problem!

More about Jaci...
Jaci Finneman (pronounced Jackie) is passionate about helping families find happiness in their day-to-day routine. She began her career in 1991 as a paraprofessional serving the needs of children with developmental disabilities.
During that time Jaci was introduced to a family whose child had suffered early life trauma with her birth mother. Immediately intrigued by the diagnosis of reacative attachment disorder Jaci spent years researching and learning
from expert therapeutic providers and parents raising these
misunderstood children.
Jaci continued her career as an In-Home Family Counselor and Program Coordinator for 20 years. With over 40,000 hours of experience coaching parents and kids she left the mental health system and founded Hello World, LLC in 2013 — a company dedicated to teaching parents how to Become the
Confident Leader your Kids Crave you To Be!
In 2019 she created Becoming a No-Problem Parent TM and in 2021 she launched the No-Problem Parenting Podcast.
Jaci supports frustrated, worried, embarrassed parents to become confident leaders. No matter how big the problem, or challenge in your home, their is a solution.