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Going Solo & BOLD!
Absolute Must Haves Before Finalizing Your Divorce
Host, Cece Shatz
Going Solo with Cece Show
Divorce Pitfalls to Avoid
Host, Hirsch Serman
Financial Wellness Hour Show
Elite Guest, Andy Heller
Teacher & Author
Mountain View, California
Take the High Road Divorce with Compassion
Andy Heller teaches real estate investing to new and seasoned investors around the country and runs a successful international freight forwarding company. Born in Canada, Andy emigrated to the United States as a child. He graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science double majoring in Finance and Marketing.
Andy co-authored two real estate investing books and had no intention of writing another book. After his own divorce, he saw a crucial role in the selfhelp space for men and women navigating through divorce. This book is his “give back” effort to make the process easier for those who are considering or who are on the divorce path.
If you find yourself in the stressful world of divorce – whether you are considering separation, are in the midst of the process or coming out the other side, Take the High Road: Divorce with Compassion for Yourself and Your Family will help replace battleground tactics with a healthy, supportive process that can work for all parties.
Unlike primers on divorce written by lawyers, therapists, and other subject-matter experts, this accessible and revolutionary guide comes from a successful businessman and author of popular books on real estate and investments.
As Andy Heller struggled through his own divorce, he searched for a practical roadmap to help him, his wife, and his children navigate the emotional, logistical, legal and financial challenges. Finding nothing to help, Heller began interviewing dozens of divorcing couples, marriage counselors, attorneys, judges, and others who could shed light on divorce universal difficulties. The result: a game-changing look at how both parties can choose compassion and cooperation over anger and fear.
Acknowledging the high emotional stakes and the high odds of divorce half of today’s marriages end in dissolution Heller has written what one marriage and family therapist calls "a manual of best practices for getting through one of life’s more difficult transitions."
With blunt advice, real-world examples, and 46 practical strategies, this book is a well-organized roadmap to a more positive destination. It provides a less traveled route for navigating a divorce that can heal hearts, prepare for the future, and, most importantly, nurture the children.
Step-by-step, Heller’s game plan walks readers through four stages:
Divorce Structure, Strategy, and Goals
Action Steps to Help Your Children Manage Life’s Changes
Don’t Forget about Your Own Needs When Divorcing
Healthy Dealings with Your Ex
Within those areas, core "strategy" chapters incorporate engaging anecdotes, original insights, and tips from experts. Readers will be empowered with invaluable communication tools designed to lower the temperature of flashpoint discussions and situations. The author even provides "scripts" for dealing with difficulties before debates can arise. Checklists give readers concrete action plans, and clear "Takeaway Points" at the end of each chapter reinforce key messages.
Heller writes about incompatibility and other interpersonal problems, but doesn’t shy away from tough topics including emotional and physical abuse, infidelity, and restraining orders. Every divorce is different in its own way. Despite differences, however, most divorcing spouses share the same challenges. Readers will find common ground on subjects all too frequently overlooked in other books on divorce:
Avoid Unilateral and Wish-List Expenses
Therapy Curveballs
Visualizing Your Post-Marriage Home
Beware of Button-Pushing Events
The Two Categories of Advice-Givers
When and With Whom to Speak about Your Ex
Where is My Deserved Affirmation or Appreciation?
Take the High Road will be essential reading not only for men and women contemplating or going through divorce, but also for their friends, loved ones and the financial and legal professionals in their lives. It’s a roadmap for a better life journey with more happiness along the way.
Elite Guest, Andy Heller
Teacher & Author
Mountain View, California
Take the High Road: Divorce with Compassion for Yourself and Your Family